07983 850095 oliviawilsonhypnotherapy@gmail.com


My fees are:


£20 per one hour session


My fees are very moderate, as my main interest is to help people, not to get rich. If you cannot pay, I am happy to offer some free sessions, as my belief is that everybody should have access to the benefits of meditation and hypnotherapy.


For payment, I will email you a paying-in slip with my account details after the session and ask you to either pay this in at a bank or transfer the money electronically. This is to keep costs and the fees down.



If you want to book a session, please email me:




I will get back to you.


Or phone me on:   07983850095 (evenings and weekends only please)


We can then discuss the details. 

Contact me today!


If you have any queries or wish to make an appointment, please contact me at:      




I will get back to you.


or telephone me on:



Get social with me.

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© Olivia Wilson